UX/UI for center scheduling system

Phase: Submission

Registration Deadline: October 2, 2024

Submission Deadline: October 12, 2024


6000 EGP

1 Place

2000 EGP

2 Place

Design UX/UI for a scheduling system for a childcare organization that efficiently manages the assignment of children to teachers based on specialization and availability. The system will facilitate smooth scheduling, allow for real-time updates, and enable administrators to manage resources effectively.

The journey begins when a child arrives at the organization, the admin assigns them to teachers with different specialties. Throughout the day, the child rotates between these teachers, each spending one hour with the child before the next teacher takes over. As the admin assigns new children to teachers, the updates automatically reflect on the teacher's schedule in their profile and on the child's schedule in their own profile. This ensures both parties have a clear view of their daily timetable


Design a user-friendly interface for three types of users: admin, teacher, and child.

  1. Admin Dashboard:

    1. Admins can smoothly create schedules by selecting a child and the desired time. The system then displays a list of available teachers, along with their specialties, who are available at that time 

    2. A centralized interface for managing all schedules.

    3. A robust tool for creating daily schedules for each child with repeat options on specific days of the week, as well as for assigning and reassigning teachers seamlessly

    4. Options to view and filter schedules by child and teacher.

    5. Seamless handling of teacher absences and child deactivations.

    6. Streamlined scheduling for children with teachers based on availability and specialization.

  2. Teacher Profiles:

    1. Individual views for teachers to see their scheduled children.

    2. Notifications of any changes made by admins.

  3. Child Profiles:

    1. Interfaces for children to view assigned teachers and daily schedules.

    2. Notifications of any changes made by admins.


  1. Follow the logo color palette:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z31LmWMHMKnEYHBtx5TVG5gid_p1dDX-/view?usp=sharing 

  2. Stories https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iv64XnrDwaOHmCeYr2QuVXXJi1kFCYxSQgNyvm54JBY/edit?usp=sharing

Submission Guidelines

  1. Submit All Deliverables for admin, teacher, and child 

  2. Use public, free, and open-source icons, images, and assets.

  3. If you design your own icons or images, you accept (if you win one of the prizes you give full copyrights to the client ).

Note: If your score is below 80%, you will receive detailed feedback on your submission, and we will not utilize any part of your work.

Making the world a better place through competitive crowdsourcing programming.