Phase: Ended
Registration Deadline: July 20, 2024
Submission Deadline: July 27, 2024
1 Place
2 Place
3 Place
Code-quests is a platform that helps businesses publish projects (called Quests) and ask a community of developers and designers to compete to build the best, highest-quality implementation or design.
This quest involves integrating the registration and submission functionalities into our platform's front end. You will use the provided SDK, which already includes APIs for registration and submission, to enable users to register for a specific quest and submit their work once registered.
You will be invited to access our frontend code, built using React js, you will add your changes to this project
User Registration for Quests:
To register for the quest, the user must first be logged in. If the user is not logged in, they should be redirected to the login page before being allowed to register.
Implement the functionality for users to register for a specific quest.
Ensure that the registration process uses the provided SDK API.
Display appropriate success or error messages to users based on the API response.
User Submissions:
After successful registration, allow users to submit their work for the quest By Implementing a submission button on the quest page that triggers a form for submission.
The submission form should include the following questions:
What is your rate about the given data from 10 and provide the reason?
What is your rate for the prizes from 10 and provide the reason?
What is your rate for the group interaction from 10 and provide the reason?
Add any additional feedback comments.
Video Walkthrough
Submission Compressed File link (for code or design submission)
Use form components that already exist in our front-end components
Use the provided SDK API to handle submissions.
Ensure that the submission process provides feedback to users about the status of their submission (e.g., success, failure, validation errors).
To submit an entry, must call two separate API endpoints. One for submitting the actual entry. The second is for feedback on the submission.
UI Integration:
Integrate the registration and submission processes seamlessly into the existing UI.
Ensure that the user experience is smooth and intuitive.
Only contestants can register in quests
You cannot register twice
You can register only if Quest is in phase=registration
Only registered contestants can submit, others cannot
You can submit multiple times before the submission deadline
You cannot submit during registration phase, or after submission phase
Submitted files will be an external URL for now (a drive link by the sumitter)
Submissions are only allowed from users who have completed the registration process and had their registration approved.
Please read the Scorecard to see how the winners will be selected, and how we evaluate the best code submission.
Minimum acceptable score is 90 (90% of 100). First, Second, Third place will be the highest score above 80.
If two submissions earn the same score, the first submission will get the highest place.